Juicy Beef Tenderloin, Sirloin...
Peperò, Pepper Festival in Carmagnola near Turin, Italy - Fiera del Peperone
Le Du is one of Asia s 50 Best Restaurants and a Michelin Star restaurant in Bangkok by the talented Chef Ton I ve been friend s with Chef Ton for a while but this was my first time to eat at Le Du so I was very excited During the Best of Bangkok Food Tour with The Hungry Tourist Puppup and Mark Wiens myself one evening our entire group ate at Le Du and all of us were impressed by Chef Ton s skill at re interpreting Thai dishes It was an amazing meal Here are the main dishes we ate at Le Du Restaurant Amuse boucheWild seabass pomeloBanana prawn kale coconutGrouper kale chuchee curryRiver prawn shrimp paste riceGrilled pork khao kha moo Free range chickenCoconut panna cotta charcoal ice creamPeople featured in this video Thank you to Chef Ton for an amazing gourmet Thai food meal at Le Du I would highly recommend Le Du for a special unique and seasonal Thai fine dining experience CAMERA GEAR I used to make this video these are affiliate links FOLLOW Thank you for watching
Peperò, Pepper Festival in Carmagnola near Turin, Italy - Fiera del Peperone
The baby bunnies are at the age when they start exploring their surroundings themselves. They see some delicious hay into the mid...
Summer lovin’! Time for some bold, bright nail polish swatches to celebrate Olive & June’s summer collection, in collaboration wit...
Today I'm doing a High Low Makeup look with half Drugstore Makeup and half from Luxury brands. xo's ~ Tati 😇 HALO Before & After...
公園を散歩してたらかわいいパグちゃんに遭遇。 どこか親近感がわくのかワンコには意外と落ち着いた態度をみせるコタローは、怖がるハナっぺを守るかのような男らしい一面を見せます。 散歩から帰ったらお風呂に入って手洗いうがいぽりぽりしっかりしましょう。
Very impressive handwriting for love letter writing | how to
QUOTES IN HANDWRITING with a GLASS PEN Season 01 Slo Lee Start where you are, use what you have, do what you can is the best advic...
▼今日のお弁当メニュー ・ごはん(梅+韓国海苔ふりかけ) ・ハム卵焼き ・サツマイモと豚のバター醤油炒め ・ほうれん草のアーモンドごま和え ・ミニトマト
watercolor on Arches watercolor paper (300g) 60cm x 40cm
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