Bling Gels?! | Light Elegance Winter 2020 ButterBLINGS & Buttercreams!

by Talia's Nail Tales

Bling Gels?! | Light Elegance Winter 2020 ButterBLINGS & Buttercreams!


Today I share with you the NEW Light Elegance Winter 2020 Buttercream collection and introducing Light Elegance s NEWEST member of the family the ButterBLINGS I was so excited to bring this video to you guys What do you think of the NEW collections Vlog Planner channel here www YouTube com TaliaLillian Use Code Talia20 for 20 off Use code Talia for 10 off CJS TaliasNailTales LightElegance ButterBLINGS Email me here taliathrivelife gmail com Thrive related emails ONLY Ongoing Promotion Sign up two friends and Thrive for free Follow my art Facebook Instagram TaliasNailTalesSecond Channel www YouTube com TaliaLillianEmail for business purposes ONLY gelnailsbytalia gmail comSecond Instagram Talia_Lillian Colors on my Nails Light Elegance Checking Out Your Bunson Discount Codes Clear Jelly Stamper Use code Talia to save 10 offINT Nails Use code Talia to save 30 offEgoista Use code Talia10 for 10 offArkon Mounts Use Code Talia20 for 20 offKoKo and Claire Use Code Talia for 20 offUse Code Talia10 for 10 off Use code Talia for 25 off Use Code Talia10 for 10 off of GlitterBels Use code Talia for 15 off Helpful Videos to FAQ FAQ Desk Custom made table top with Alex drawer units from IkeaNail Art Storage All Ikea Alex Drawer unitsWallpaper From Rocky Mountain DecalsFilming Equipment Camera Lighting Tripods Use code Talia20 for 20 off all Arkon products Disclaimer Some products may have been sent for review and consideration All thoughts and opinions on products are my own



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