Blue Diamonds - Duochrome blue, purple smokey eyes
Used ProductsEYESSephora Concealer 26 PeachKaleidos Tone Activator Eye Primer Pixi Beauty Sheer SunshineBobbi Brown Luxe Gems Eyeshadow PaletteMake up Geek UnexpectedColour Pop seeing starsColour Pop Try MeMake up Geek PhantomColour Pop AntimatterKiko Eye Pencil 05Barry M Star DustHuda Beauty MascaraLashes Aliexpress BASEA Pieu Concealer VanillaEnough Collagen 13Pixi Beauty Sheer SunshineGosh Prime n Set Hyaluronic PowderInglot Make up FixerLIPSManhattan Lipliner 59YBy Terry Lip Expert Shine roseCONTACTSDesio Irresistible BlueWIGAliexpressEARRINGSRegal RoseDISCLAIMERThis Video is not sponsored some of the shown products I ve received via PR some I ve bought myself Contactinfo picturresque deMUSICPaisley Pink feat Naiad Let me in Bluma Petersen feat Nadja Alsen SLCT InfinityNahra SLCT feat Dai Idiot
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