EASY Halloween Hairstyle DIY Halloween costume 2019

by Alex Gaboury

EASY Halloween Hairstyle  DIY Halloween costume 2019


I m so excited for today s Easy Halloween Hairstyle it s perfect for a last minute DIY Halloween costume I was inspired for this zipper hairstyle by some pictures that I came across on Pinterest and I thought this hairstyle was so cool so I thought I d try to re create it and share how to DIY the zipper and keep in place You can put your spin on this hairstyle and make it scarier but my niece watches these videos so I thought it d be best if I left it as is haha I d love if you left a comment and let me know what you re dressing up as for Halloween Don t forget to TAG me in your recreations on Instagram and happy Halloween Watch my latest video Fall Haul Try On bit ly FallHaulTryOn2019 FOLLOW MEFor business inquiries email me at agabourybiz gmail com DISCOUNTSReceive 10 off your Luxy Hair order with code LX ALEXG Receive 20 off your first Function of Beauty order with code ALEXG Receive 10 off your first Glossier orderReceive 15 off your Voir Haircare order PRODUCTS IN VIDEOZIPPERWalmart in store REDKEN SHINE FLASH 02 SHINE SPRAYTURTLENECK CURRENTLY LOVINGNUDESTIX blush Naughty n SpiceOversized Sweater BeigeChelsea Boot MORE VIDEOSFALL HAUL TRY ON ZARA H M ARITZIAbit ly FallHaulTryOn2019HOW TO EASY HAIRSTYLES PERFECT FOR FALL 2019bit ly EasyFallHairstylesandTrendsHOW TO EASY HAIRSTYLES FOR FALLHOW TO HAIRSTYLES PERFECT FOR FALLEVERYDAY MAKEUP ROUTINE ScaryHairstyle HalloweenHairstyle Halloween DIYcostumeDISCLAIMER This video is not sponsored Some of the above links are affiliate links



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