DIY REUSABLE GROCERY BAG | How to make Foldable Shopping Bag | Tutorial for 2 sizes [sewingtimes]

by sewingtimes

DIY REUSABLE GROCERY BAG | How to make Foldable Shopping Bag | Tutorial for 2 sizes [sewingtimes]


I made REUSABLE GROCERY BAG today It is easy to make and practical Share this video with a lot of people who need it Have a good time Big size 36 14⅛ W 36 14⅛ H Materials 55 60 21⅜ 23¾ 2 15 14 6 5½ 1 15 20 6 8 1 3 22 1⅛ 8¾ 1Small size 24 9½ W 24 9½ H Materials 36 5 41 14½ 16¼ 2 12 10 4¾ 4 1 12 18 4¾ 7⅛ 1 3 22 1⅛ 8¾ 1View other video DIY bag sewingPurse tutorialPouch diyEasy sewing craftsSHORTCUTS SEWINGTIMES sewingtimes Youtubesewingtimes Blogsewingtimes Businessnancy7531 gmail comThe music used in my video Music www bensound combensound littleidea sewingtimes diyshoppingbag grocerybag



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