by SofieBella



SOFIEBELLA Roadto100kGive this video a thumbs up Watch in 1080p HD to enter monthly giveaway subscribe like this video turn post notifications on comment done FOLLOW US Instagram SHOP OUR LASHES Free shipping for all U S Orders All Styles are Cruelty Free Faux Minkwww shopsofiebella comMakeup Details Lashes shopsofiebella Bahama Brows anastasiabeverlyhills brow powder duo Dark Brown Clear Brow Gel Eyes morphebrushes 39A Palette in crease lower lash line colourpopcosmetics Villains Jelly Much Shadow Just Your Voice in the center lid Mascara toofaced better than sex mascaraPixi Beauty Highlight Duo subtle sunrise FALSE LASHES DO S DON TS EYEBROW HACKS EYESHADOW DO S AND DON TS SOME OF THE BRUSHES I USED Crease Brushes Morphe JH35Morphe JH30Morphe JH40Pencil Brush Morphe JH39Inner Corner Brush Crease Brush Colourpop E6Lid Brush Morphe M124Lower Lash Line Brush Morphe M208 this video is not sponsored All thoughts and opinions are my own I will always give my honest opinion on the products I use Key words Bronzy makeup tutorial eye makeup eye shadow makeup artist tips how to makeup makeup transformation neutral tones easy makeup tutorial wearable drugstore makeup look simple easy everyday contouring daytime glam for every woman trendy eye makeup full face makeup works for all eye colors blue green brown hazel Brows Eyebrow tutorial ombre eyebrows natural full eyebrows prom tutorial Kylie cosmetics Drugstore makeup tutorial Anastasia Beverly Hills Burgundy Palette




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