Boku No Hero Academia Halloween Edition 【WATERCOLOR LIVE STREAM】

by Laovaan

Boku No Hero Academia Halloween Edition 【WATERCOLOR LIVE STREAM】


I ll be working on this artwork using watercolors during the stream Cool links and Art Submission rules below Click show more During the stream you can submit your art crafts cosplay anything visual and we will show it Just follow these rules 1 TODAY S THEME HALLOWEENSubmit that spoopy stuff 2 Must be safe for work So no explicit stuff nudity extreme violence etc Use common sense 3 Doesn t have to be a finished piece if you are working on it right now during the stream aka Work In Progress allowed 4 Where to post Twitter Post using the hashtag laovaanhalloweenInstagram Post using the hashtag laovaanhalloweenDiscord link above Post in the streamartsubmissions channelDo not download and re upload this video to any other website for example your Facebook Page You are allowed to embed it directly by using the YouTube link so that video description and in video annotations stay intact



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