Bread Pizza Pockets | ब्रेड पिज़्ज़ा पॉकेट्स | kids Snack Recipe | CookWithNisha

by Cook With Nisha

Bread Pizza Pockets | ब्रेड पिज़्ज़ा पॉकेट्स | kids Snack Recipe | CookWithNisha


Today we ll learn how to make Bread pizza pockets Bread pizza pockets are the really delicious snack and most liked dish by the children Here I have used seasonal vegetables and mozzarella cheese with tomato pasta sauce which gives it a nice flavour to pizza Don t forget to LIKE SHARE COMMENT Bread Pizza Pockets ब र ड प ज ज प क ट स INGREDIENTS Fresh Bread 6Mozzarella Cheese 150 gmOnion प य ज 1 medium choppedShimla Mirch श मल म र च 1 small choppedTomato टम टर 1 small deseeded choppedCorns भ ट ट 4 tbspCarrot ग जर 1 small choppedCheese पन र 4 tbsp small cubesTomato Catchup टम टर क चअप 1 tbspGarlic लहस न 1tbspPasta Sauce 2 tbspOregano 1 tspRed Chilli Flakes 1 2 tspSalt नमक 2 tsp or as per tasteoil त ल 8 tbspThanksNishaAUDIO DISCLAIMER CREDITS



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