Disappointing Products | Augus...
Hey, Guys! (WATCH IN HD) Here are a few beauty products that didn't work for me! I am not trying to bash these companies or produc...
Hey Phil loves to be a giant teddy bear Heres a short clip of the differences between Phil and Niko Phil loves to be fussed over and cuddled in the most awkward ways as long as you re making a fuss over him Niko isn t too keen on the sitting position but enjoys the fuss a couple of mins in when the two are having a lady and the tramp moment Niko let s out a growl to Phil haha Not as romantic as the film Phil enjoys the cuddling so much he stretches his legs out and makes himself comfortable he even starts his happy howling Oh of course Milo loves all the attention too even scratching his little foot beans he just decides he s outta there once the wolves start howling Also at the end when making a fuss of Niko you can see the difference in their coats Niko s hair falls out just by stroking her like a typical malamute We ll do a grooming video to show you soon Thanks for watching guys all the love from us xx
Hey, Guys! (WATCH IN HD) Here are a few beauty products that didn't work for me! I am not trying to bash these companies or produc...
本日11月10日はコタロー2歳の誕生日! 1歳の誕生日は鯛のお頭でお祝いしましたが、今年はカワウソ専用寿司「コタ寿司」を作ってあげました。 シャリはササミと鶏ミンチを使ってみましたが、ミンチがちょうどご飯っぽくなって本物の寿司みたいになりました。
Maine Coons Who Know They’re Kings, And We Can’t Argue With That
In need of a website? Make it with squarespace! https://www.squarespace.com/minarome I'm already back with 4 easy and tasty vegan ...
Всем привет! У меня МК простого браслета из бисера и бусин. Буду рада лайкам и отзывам! Спасибо за просмотры и поддержку!
Indonesia Street Food 2018 😱 Delicious Indonesia Cuisine | Amazing Street Food in Jakarta https://youtu.be/0yLYHNzCZ-Q
[코멘트로 묻기 전에 읽어주세요 ~ ]
昨日は小侍郎父さんの6歳の誕生日でした。 いつも喉を鳴らす甘えん坊父さんです。 更新していなかったのにお祝いのコメントをありがとうございました。同じ日の誕生日の方、おめでとうございます。 Instagram https://instagram.com/10c...
In today's card we are creating a one layer scene with copic markers focusing on a mirror reflection.
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