Resurfacing Facial on Christen Dominique | {Combo/ Textured Skin} Jadeywadey180

by JadeyWadey 180

Resurfacing Facial on Christen Dominique | {Combo/ Textured Skin} Jadeywadey180


ComplexionsbyJade Hi Babes Welcome back to my Skincare Series Today s episode is a deep exfoliating resurfacing facial on one of my best friends Christen Dominique Words cant explain how much love I have for this girl she is the sweetest soul and Im so glad she let me pamper her I also created a brand new regimen for her using some of these medical products let me know if you want me to share Cosmedix Benefit cleanser Imageskincare Iluma intense brightening ZO skin Health Offects Polish Ultrasonic Face Spatula Would you like a tutorial on this Cosmedix Purity Toner At Home Peel Recommendation Ole Henriksen Lemon Facial PeelSuki Care Balancing Face Oil Knesko Rose Quartz Antioxidant Mask Code Jadey Lucrece Clean Zinc spf 30Let me know below your thoughts below XO




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