ご視聴ありがとうございます❤️ 本日は黒髪に合いそうなメイクをしてみました! 黒髪さん参考になれば嬉しいです💄 わたくしは似合わなすぎて 永久ハイトーンにすることを決めました🙂 チャンネル登録&高評価よろしくお願いします! 失礼致します。 ■インスタグラム ...
These easy to make egg white muffins are delicious nutritious and the perfect addition for your healthy breakfast meal prep I love making these protein packed egg white muffin cups on the weekend so I have them ready to enjoy for a busy weekday morning Taking time to meal prep on the weekends is key to eating well during the week and egg muffins almost always make it onto the menu They re delicious convenient easy to make and the flavor possibilities are endless So I thought why not bump up the protein and make some egg white muffins for a change Blending the egg whites with cottage cheese creates a light fluffy egg white muffin that can be stuffed with just about any filling you would add into an omelet or frittata I decided to stir in some of my favorite veggies including spinach peppers and tomatoes but any vegetables would be delicious And if you wanted to add some even bigger flavors and some more protein try chopping up some ham apple sausage or Canadian bacon INGREDIENTS PRODUCTS USED MENTIONED MORE EASY BREAKFAST MEAL PREP IDEAS EGG WHITE MUFFINS RECIPE1 cup baby spinach chopped1 2 cup diced bell peppers1 2 cup baby tomatoes diced2 cups egg whites1 2 cup cottage cheese1 2 teaspoon kosher salt1 2 teaspoon black pepper1 2 teaspoon garlic powderINSTRUCTIONSPre heat oven to 300ºF Coat a 12 cup muffin tray with cooking spray Combine all prepared veggies in a medium mixing bowl and then evenly divide the veggie mixture amongst the 12 muffin cups Combine egg whites cottage cheese salt pepper and garlic powder in a blender and blend until light and frothy Pour the egg mixture over the veggies again doing your best to divide the eggs as evenly as possible amongst all 12 muffin cups Place tray in the oven and bake for 25 minutes or until the eggs have fluffed up and are cooked through Cool before removing from the pan They should pop out easily if you greased your pan really well Serve immediately or pop into the fridge or freezer To re heat microwave the muffins for 45 60 seconds or until thawed Enjoy NOTES You can replace 12 whole eggs in place of the egg whites if you prefer Or try 6 whole eggs and one cup of egg whites Try topping your muffins with some tomato and avocado If you like spicy try a bit of Sriracha mixed with Greek yogurt NUTRITIONServing 1muffin Calories 34kcal Carbohydrates 1g Protein 6g Fat 1g Saturated Fat 1g Cholesterol 1mg Sodium 199mg Potassium 117mg Fiber 1g Sugar 1g Vitamin A 493IU Vitamin C 9mg Calcium 13mg Iron 1mgDisclaimer product links may include affiliate links eggwhitemuffins eggmuffins breakfastmealprep
ご視聴ありがとうございます❤️ 本日は黒髪に合いそうなメイクをしてみました! 黒髪さん参考になれば嬉しいです💄 わたくしは似合わなすぎて 永久ハイトーンにすることを決めました🙂 チャンネル登録&高評価よろしくお願いします! 失礼致します。 ■インスタグラム ...
こんにちは! ハンドメイド作家のcocotteです。 ご視聴いただきありがとうございます。
전주 남부야시장 길거리 음식 / 칠린 피자(Chillin Pizza) 5,000 KRW (USD 4.4)
Hello, this is Honeykki! Recently, I went to Hong Kong with my friend. We love bread and coffee. So, we had lots of it. I love th...
코바늘 자스민 스티치를 활용한 기본형 가방 입니다. 많은 분들이 어려워 하는 자스민 스티치를 코바늘 초보자도 쉽게 배울수 있도록 설명해 봤습니다.
Mixed media altered small house tutorial for everyone. ♥ ----- for more inspirations : ----- ♥ Maremi New Papers: https://www.ets...
Hey, Guys! (WATCH IN HD) Here is a video where I show you how to get this flirty girly makeup look! I hope you enjoy! xoxo!
#027 SOBA〜柚子と鴨ねぎのそば〜
Christmas season is here! This year I'll upload a series to get in the holiday atmosphere. Smoothie & Milkshake unwrapping their f...
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