小さい頃からいっぱい遊んでいたどうぶつの森!とうとうSwitchでも発売になりましたね〜! そんなどうぶつの森を記念して今回は「キャラ弁」を作ってみました。 お馴染みの”たぬきち”と”しずえ”を表現してみましたよ! 簡単かわいく作ることができますのでぜひ作って...
GO TO LIGHTELEGANCE COM TO GET THE PRODUCTS FIND YOUR CLOSEST DISTRIBUTOR HERE WWW LIGHTELEGANCE COM PAGES DISTRIBUTORSGEL NAIL ART TUTORIAL BOHO CHIC LIGHT ELEGANCE BUTTERCREAMS SHIBUI BALLERINA NAILSCheck out WWW MOONFLAIR SE for Swarovski crystals nail art products video tutorials and much more Other tutorials you might enjoy GEL NAIL ART TUTORIAL TRANSPARENT EXTENSIONS SCANDINAVIAN WINTER NAILS LIGHT ELEGANCEGEL NAIL TUTORIAL IN SWEDISH WITH ENGLISH SUBTILES HUR MAN GÖR GELÉNAGLARTUTORIAL NEGATIVE SPACE HEART USING THE SANDWICH TECHNIQUE GEL NAILSREAL TIME NAIL ART GEL NAILS TUTORIALTO GET ALL THE LATEST INFORMATION ABOUT CLASSES AND TRADE SHOWS SIGN UP TO MY NEWSLETTER AT CELINARYDEN COM Don t forget to subscribe and click on that little notification bell to be a part of the notificationsquad That way you won t miss my next video when it comes out Thank you so much for watching Much love If you don t have a distributor in your country send an email to sales lightelegance com and they ll help you out CHAT WITH ME WEBSITE www celinaryden com sign up for the newsletter to become a part of the NAILSQUAD and get all the VIP info about classes and trade shows etc SNAPCHAT celinarydenTWITTER celinarydenEMAIL BUSINESS INQUIRIES ONLY hello celinaryden comWEBSHOP www moonflair se nagelprodukter nageltillbehör Swarovski nailart naglar tutorials och mycket mer Light Elegance Ambassador and International Educator please visit www lightelegance com for more information about the products and where to buy them your closest distributor If you have any questions on prizes log in how to buy the products from your country etc please send an email to sales lightelegance com If you have questions about the sandwhich technique or how the Light Elegance products work please check out my videos How to get started with Light Elegance and How to work with Light Elegance I shoot my nail pictures with my Nikon D7500 and edit with Photoshop or Lightroom on my computer The videos and shot with my Sony 6500 and vlogs with my Sony 5100 or Canon Legria Mini X and edited in Final Cut Pro I DON T TAKE ON NEW CLIENTS UNTIL FURTHER NOTICE To find out where my upcoming classes will be check out my website www celinaryden com and sign up for the newsletter MUSICepidemicsounds se I RELEASED A SONG STAR CASSETTE SUMMER NIGHTSWATCH THE LYRIC VIDEO HERE ITUNES Follow us on Instagram and Facebook starcassette
小さい頃からいっぱい遊んでいたどうぶつの森!とうとうSwitchでも発売になりましたね〜! そんなどうぶつの森を記念して今回は「キャラ弁」を作ってみました。 お馴染みの”たぬきち”と”しずえ”を表現してみましたよ! 簡単かわいく作ることができますのでぜひ作って...
這一兩個月真的飛不停,上週飛了一趟香港工作,趁著工作之餘去香港吃吃逛逛!來了香港好幾次都是工作,這還是第一次有時間去遊街 ~ 這次的Vlog分成上下2集,因為這次有在地人作陪,去了好多地方!怕全部放同一集會太疲勞轟炸 XD
Wiener Schnitzel - veal cutlets pounded really thin, breaded and fried until tender and crispy. Wiener Schnitzel is traditionally ...
Hand embroidery. Borderline embroidery design. Embroidery design for dresses. Thank you for watching. Please subscribe for furthe...
Мастер класс Зимняя брошь-цветок. В этом мастер классе мы с вами создаем зимнюю брошь-цветок из меха, бисера и бусин.
BBQ Grill Festival. Street Food in Milano, Italy
2017年新上市的熱門專櫃粉底都在這支影片了!!! 訂閱黃小米Mii► https://goo.gl/nR6eqz 美妝評比播放清單► https://goo.gl/HD1xv3
Brand new all birds weekly compilation filled with funny clips, bloopers and moments of ducks, parrots, chickens, turkeys, seagull...
Hey everyone. Mia has recently turned 6 months old, can you believe it!? We thought we'd take some of the best clips and create a ...
Honestly. Don't bother...
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