ももを誘うなら夜がいい Momo is a night ow...
This video explains the application of the Chameleon Chrome Pigments from Wildflowers Nail Academy The Pigments can be purchased here individually or as a set The Tack Free Topcoat can be purchased here Directions for Application recommended for use over enhancements 1 Apply a black gel polish to the nail enhancement Cure 2 Apply Wildflowers Metallic Topcoat Cure for ONLY 30 seconds in an LED light or 1 minute in a UV light 3 Apply the pigment powder using a sponge applicator or a silicone tool 4 Topcoat using the same Wildflowers Metallic Topcoat to protect the chrome finish Be sure to encapsulate the free edges Cure 5 Encapsulate with a hard gel for the ultimate wearability and durability FAQ Q Can this be applied over nail polish A I m not sure I have not tried it personally We do not use regular nail polish in our salon only gel polish Q Can this be applied to gel polish on the natural nails A Yes but the more flexible the clients nails the more I would advise not to This product is best suited for strong nails or over enhancements Any type of bending of the nails can cause chipping
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Game of Thrones is finally back! After watching the first episode, I really wanted to recreate Daenerys' new Dragonstone hairstyle...
Hey guys, so as explained in the video, Phil’s been on thyroid meds for about 6 months now, while we did see increased energy leve...
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