breaking into my new sketchbook + answering some of your Qs

by Pypah's Art

breaking into my new sketchbook + answering some of your Qs


thank you all for the sweet questions and i hope i managed to answer them slightly hahaha i also hope you enjoyed watching me do virtually nothing other than writing my name a couple times lmao________________________________________If you want me to draw you in my next Drawing My Subscribers video send me your pic to PypahDrawMe gmail com ________________________________________________________________________________business email filipa vaz santos hotmail com________________________________________FAQ How old are you 19 You have a weird accent Where are you from I m from Portugal but have been learning English since i was 3yrs old so my accent is a messy European English ahaha Where do you live I m currently living in Leeds UK studying Animation x When did you start drawing Been drawing since I was very very teeny tiny but only started taking it seriously when i was about 11yrs old x________________________________________music from epidemicsound com Around The Corner Magnus Ringblom some links in the description may be affiliate links but they have no effect on prices or reviews dw




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