라라 꽃이 피었어요

by 크림히어로즈

라라 꽃이 피었어요


라라는 너무 예쁘고 귀여운 고양이예요



How to do Brigitte Bardot hair...

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Here, celebrity hairdresser Sam McKnight has joined forces with Get the Gloss to bring you the first in a series of iconic hair vi...

Drawing For 10 Hours Straight

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Hardest...Art...Challenge...Ever... never again... If anyone watched all 10 hours, I will be your slave for the rest of my life no...

The Sketchbook Series - Carlos...

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Take a peek into the mind of Carlos Grangel. Carlos Grangel is a character designer and the original creator with Tim Burton for t...


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おチビちゃん、柴犬のヤトを相手に仲良くなる練習です。 過去の経験上、野良の子猫は犬が苦手な場合が多いですね。 やはり野生の本能として、逃げなければ噛まれるという情報がDNAにあるんでしょうか・・・。