How To Make Bubble Boba Milk Tea Tapioca Pearls Cake ASMR ミルクティーケーキ の作り方 Eating sound Recipe レシピ MILK TEA 20g Black tea 紅茶 250ml Milk 牛乳 Wait for 20 minutes 20分待つ BLACK TEA SPONGE CAKE 3 Eggs 卵 50ml Milk tea ミルクティー 20g Vegetable oil 植物油 70g Cake flour 薄力粉 1 2Tsp Black tea 紅茶 1 4Tsp Lemon juice レモン汁 65g Sugar グラニュー糖 Mold size 16cm ケーキ型 Bake at 160 for 50 minutes 160 50分焼く MILK TEA CREAM 1 Egg yolk 卵黄 40g Brown sugar 黒砂糖 120ml Milk tea ミルクティー 5g Corn starch コーンスターチ Refrigerate for 30 minutes 冷蔵庫で30分 200g Whipping cream 生クリーム TAPIOCA PEARLS 50g Tapioca pearls タピオカパール Medium heat 30 minutes 中火 30分 20g Brown sugar 黒砂糖 ASMR OhNino NinosHome Milkteacake Trans 1 밀크티 케이크 만들기2 BÁNH Trà Sữa Trân Châu Đường Đen 3 Resep Boba Milk Tea Cake4 เค กไข ม กลาวา อร อยฟ นจ ดเต ม5 क स बन न ह Boba Tea Lava Cake6 珍珠奶茶爆浆蛋糕7 كيف تصنع Boba Milk Tea Lava Cake
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Hi guys! Due to popular request, I finally decided to create another animal painting tutorial. Today I'll be painting mini hedgeho...
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For the Fall Winter 2014 season, Dolce&Gabbana has added a filigree eyewear collection into the mix. The new Dolce&Gabbana women's...
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