VLOG 012 | How I Make Art Prin...
🌼 Hi guys! 🌼
Both Phil and Niko know the routine Niko loves cuddles and Phil wants the drumming pat Here we have a small montage of old footage showing how excited they get when you come home Usually they hear Shane s motorbike and that sets them off howling until he comes in There is a clip that shows Shane having only just been to the shop gone 5 mins and they act just the same Man s best friend in a big fluffy package Niko get s jealous when it is Phil s turn to be lifted as she is a Daddy s girl through and through Sorry some of the footage is old and from having to record vertically for instagram stories Like comment subscribe and share We ll be posting regularly during our lockdown
🌼 Hi guys! 🌼
I just want to share a little news about my Patreon site. This month I'm finally adding an option to view my videos without any ad...
影片太長了所以切上下集. 今天上集是彩妝 明天下集有保養, 美容小物, 雜貨, 寶寶用品 今天影片中提到的東西: Canmake Cream Cheek blush 16
提供 株式会社 ディーエイチシー
Either known as Cream Tart, Number Cake or Alphabet Cake this dessert is simply impressive. Very easy to prepare and looks quite a...
☆ a few of my favorite quotes; the words that inspire me to live and dream and explore and always seek joy☆ ... I loved putting th...
最近有很多學生私訊凱莉老師來詢問課程 今天幫大家整理了我們 比較特別的課程給大家分享一下... 1. 美甲創業全修班: 包含保養 壓克力彩繪 雕花 凝膠 快速美甲技巧 設計課程 「基本上除了水晶指甲 其他都有包含」 這個課程是比較適合想要創業的未來美甲師們 最...
This recipe is not specially made for Keto diet but it is a very common way of eating Natto in Japan 👍 Very high in protein, healt...
Manchmal braucht es nicht viel, um der Dekoration das Prädikat "Selbstgemacht" aushändigen zu dürfen. Kerzen beispielsweise, die q...
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