Bunny doesnt understand accent

by Bini the Bunny

Bunny doesnt understand accent


Bini the Bunny and Shai are at it again this time shedding some light on the challenges of learning a new language and picking up the local accent When Shai and Bini moved to the USA Shai started picking up more locality As he was playing with Bini one day he realized that the little guy didn t understand what he was saying anymore Watch as Shai and Bini get back to basics with this frustrating update to Adventures of Bini and Shai as roommates This rabbit has tons of other tricks too painting styling hair and playing basketball just to name a few Stay connected to Bini the most talented bunny in the world on his social channels Instagram BiniTheBunnyOnline Store Www binithebunny com Subscribe now to Bini the Bunny and never miss another day of Bini the bunny delight



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