cafe vlog/카페사장 브이로그/with 카페알바/초코 딸기케이크 딸기타르트 만들기/흑임자크림 라떼/라떼아트

by 카페노예 jun

cafe vlog/카페사장 브이로그/with 카페알바/초코 딸기케이크 딸기타르트 만들기/흑임자크림 라떼/라떼아트


cafevlog 카페브이로그 브이로그카페위치 경기도 여주시 홍문동 183 6 굿심플 in koreaCafe Location 183 6 Good Simple Cafe in Hongmun dong Yeoju Gyeonggi do in koreainsta goodsimplecafe광고 협찬 a76089190 gmail com At My Front Door Dj QuadsDay Off Ikson



Sometimes Less is More! Using ...

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Theres not a lot that I can do in the garden, so adding some new rock makes all of the difference. I have a little message from th...

Small Pizza-Sandwich Filled of...

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" TRAPIZZINO ", a mix between a small Pizza and a small Sandwich ( " Tramezzino " ), with a pocket to be filled with different ing...