DIY Home Office - UPCYCLING Ol...
In this video I bring you guys along as I upcycle an old second hand desk and turn it into a 4meter full wall length desk for our ...
I calzoni di patate filanti sono facili e veloci da preparare e saranno sicuramente un successo Ripieni con formaggio e prosciutto o con verdure di stagione si preparano in padella in pochi minuti INGREDIENTI 600g patate bollite sale pepe 100g parmigiano olio d oliva 2 cucchiai prezzemolo 250g farina aggiungere se necessario prosciutto cotto provola PREPARAZIONE 1 Bollite le patate in acqua bollente o in microonde poi schiacciatele aggiungendo sale e pepe 2 Aggiungete l olio d oliva il parmigiano e gradualmente la farina 3 È importante lavorare l impasto avendo sempre a portata di mano della farina 4 Formate dei medaglioni con una tazza e farcite con prosciutto e formaggio 5 Piegate il medaglione su se stesso formando un calzone 6 Cuocete in padella per circa 4 minuti per lato con dell olio d oliva In alternativa cuocete in forno a 180 per 20 minuti
In this video I bring you guys along as I upcycle an old second hand desk and turn it into a 4meter full wall length desk for our ...
【ふわふわもちもち♡】お麩のフレンチスイートポテト🍠 レシピはこちら:
2液性レジンの「クリスタルレジン」にドライフラワーを封入して植物の樹脂標本を作ってみました(*´꒳`*)↓下に材料を書いています [材料] ・クリスタルレジン300g :Amazon ・シリコンモールド(3.5cmの立方体) :楽天 ・B4硬質カードケース :...
Mother cat and her kittens meowing loudly because they are so hungry
リクエストにお応えして、髑髏と十字架のスマホケースを作ったよ。 ロココ調のゴールドの装飾…スキ♡
Today, we're going DEEP into the heart of downtown Marrakech, to try some AMAZING Moroccan Street Food. You can explore with us as...
Hello Everyone! How are you today? Greeting from Siem Reap Angkor, Cambodia! This is video I want to show you about Three Boys Co...
Nail Art Designs 2019 Easy - The Best Nail Art Designs Compilation | Amazing Nails 🌟 Subscribe for new videos :
Watch Daliso, a 1-day-old puppy, fight for his life as he overcomes his cleft palate. With the help of Craig and Virginie of New Y...
☆ seattle in the summer is magical~ watch as i take you along to explore seattle and mt. rainier (quite possibly the most magnific...
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