고양이들이 좋아하는 간식을 아이가 줬을 때 반응은?
꼬마집사가 어린이집 방학이라 하루 종일 집에 있어서 고양이와 친해질 수 있는 시간을 만들어줬어요 수리노을 고양이가족의 탐묘생활
What happens when it s raining out and or your bank account has less dollar bills in it than there are days in the year You make with what you have We challenged ourselves to a no buy DIY challenge using only materials we have laying around the office Vote for who you think won in the cards __OTHER PLATFORMS thesorrygirls everywhere ____Not sponsored yo __Please note that we are not professionals and that all projects seen on our channel must be completed at your own risk We do not take responsibility for any harm or injury that may occur Be safe
꼬마집사가 어린이집 방학이라 하루 종일 집에 있어서 고양이와 친해질 수 있는 시간을 만들어줬어요 수리노을 고양이가족의 탐묘생활
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We like to stay together.
#子猫#cat#ぺこ美 スコティッシュフォールドの仔猫 2019年2月1日生まれの三毛猫の女の子、ぺこ美。
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個性的なそれぞれの後姿。Individual back figures of Maru&Hana. BGM: フリーBGM・音楽素材MusMus http://musmus.main.jp/ Blog: http://sisinmaru.com/ Instag...
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