Chinese Food - YELLOW BEEF Hot Pot and Hot CHILI OIL RECIPE! | Yunnan, China Day 3

by Mark Wiens

Chinese Food - YELLOW BEEF Hot Pot and Hot CHILI OIL RECIPE! | Yunnan, China Day 3


It was another incredible day of Chinese food in Yunnan It was a cold and rainy day so we started with some noodles Then we went to Luxi s cooking class and learned how to make Chinese hot chili oil and finally ended the day with an amazing copper hot pot of a special type of yellow beef Breakfast at Liu Pan Shui Mutton Vermicelli 六盘水羊肉米线 Located in Dali Old Town we started off the cold and rainy morning with a bowl of mutton vermicelli The noodles were so warm and soothing and the mutton was fragrant But probably the best thing about this Chinese breakfast was the hot chili oil and Luxi said they had some of the best Price 12 RMB 1 82 Wan Bao Hong Cheng Tea Shop After breakfast we walked over to a local tea shop to sample some Yunnan teas Yunnan is famous for growing tea and especially for pu er tea which is black aged and fermented tea It was a great learning opportunity and as a tea and hot drinks lover I fully enjoyed it Pu er tea 300 RMB 45 47 Yellow beef copper hot pot Yunnan is known for its speciality yellow beef and also for a style of copper hot pot The beef and broth was insanely flavorful and we added in a few vegetables One of the best things about this type of Chinese hot pot is getting to make your sauce And we must have added about 25 different ingredients and seasonings to our sauces It was an outstanding meal one of the best meals of my trip to Yunnan China Total price 149 RMB 22 57 CAMERA GEAR I used to make this video these are affiliate links I would love to connect with you



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