INSANE Street Food Tour in Saigon, Vietnam | HIDDEN Vietnamese Street Food + Street Breakfast & EGGS

by The Food Ranger

INSANE Street Food Tour in Saigon, Vietnam | HIDDEN Vietnamese Street Food + Street Breakfast & EGGS


Street Food in Vietnam is insane Vietnamese Street Food is some of the BEST and CHEAPEST in Asia Street Food around the world is different and you can join us for a full on street food tour of Saigon in Vietnam In this Street Food Adventure tour video I Trevor James The Food Ranger and Ting Ting go explore the deep back streets of Saigon and we eat and try a ton of delicious street food in Vietnam We are going on a Vietnamese street food tour and a full on street food adventure into Saigon s busiest street food markets street food alleyways and deep food streets We discovered a ton of cheap NOT EXPENSIVE and delicious and a bunch of local street food that you ll definitely want to travel here for Asian street food is definitely some of the BEST street food in the world and because we live in China eating Chinese street food all the time it s easy for us to travel overland or fly to Vietnam to eat the best street food when we like In this street food tour video we ate a lot of delicious Vietnamese street foods Here are the addresses for the street foods for your next visit to Saigon Vietnam Deep Back Alley Street Vietnamese Pho Noodle Soup 257 Duan Van Bo Saigon Vietnam Market Fresh Vietnamese Durian Duan Van Bo Alleys There is a huge street food market here that you can spend hours exploring Southern Vietnamese Street Food Bun Rieu This is in the Duan Van Bo Alleyways too Southern Vietnamese Street Food Com Tam Banh 154 Le Quoc hung Saigon Vietnam Coconut Worms 228 Ly Tu Trong Street District 1 Saigon Vietnam Vietnamese Street Food Quail Egg Balut This guy is on a motorbike and roams the streets Best to search around the back alleys of Saigon HUGE Seafood and Snails Street Food Feast Oc Dao Seafood and Snail RestaurantABOUT THE FOOD RANGER My name is Trevor James and I m a hungry traveler and Mandarin learner that s currently living in Chengdu Sichuan China eating up as much delicious street food that I can I enjoy tasting and documenting as many dishes as I can and I m going to make videos for YOU along the way Over the next few years I m going to travel around the world and document as much food as I can for you I love delicious food This channel will show you real Chinese food and real local food not that stuff they serve in the Buzzfeed challenge Thanks for watching and please feel free to leave a comment suggestion or critique in the comments below Please make sure to subscribe it s the best way to keep my videos in your feed and give me a thumbs up too if you liked this food video thanks I appreciate it You could also share the video too if you liked it that would be awesome AND YOU GOTTA SUBSCRIBE TO SONNY S CHANNEL HERE vietnam vlog blog 2017




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