MOST EXCITING House Plant Shop Tour + HAUL! Go House Plant Shopping With Me At A Succulent Day!
OMG a brand NEW House Plant Shop opened up in BOISE Let s check it out together Find Me At A Succulent Day Thanks for watching my videos I have never bought cactus or succulents before because I have never fallen in love with them before HOWEVER when I saw these cacti I literally knew they were the one for me I know they re not rare plants but they re rare and perfect to me houseplanttour houseplanthaul houseplantThank you Ashley
Worlds smallest cat - Big Cats...
SUBSCRIBE to the OFFICIAL BBC YouTube channel: LAUNCH BBC iPlayer to access Live TV and Box Sets: https://b...
HOW TO HARD NAIL 上級者向け!手描きで作るぷ...
Hey guys! in today's video, how to hard carving nail. If you are interested, please do have a look.
100均DIY! 簡単かわいい!シャカシャカ中身が動く、窓付き紙袋の作り方をご紹介します!材料はダイソーやセリアで揃います♪ 今回はマチなし袋を作りました!バレンタインやプレゼントのラッピングにぜひ作ってみてください^^
Garden Overview / Urban Garden...
My Garden Overview ...:) mainly cacti n succulents Overview ...:) hope you like it ...:) will upload more overview videos soon... ...
オカメインコに詰め寄るセキセイインコ 夜の放鳥 Cockat...
ある夜の放鳥の様子です。 たまの一撃 (?)もありましたが比較的仲良く過ごしていました。
【Kevin想得美】日本超方便 剁手買買買 美妝新奇小物開箱...
怎麼每次都可以買到好東西?(購物狂的讚嘆,哈) 這次我又挖到愛心翅膀梳❤ 梳完柔順不打結直接給它一個讚👍 可是呀~買東西也會透露年齡的!!!! 我認識DVDPLAYER也,哈哈哈 😎知道的同學也喊右巴(我相信我不孤單) #2018 #日本春季購物 #Kevin...