Delicious Banoffee Pie • Tasty
Try making this sweet and delicious banoffee pie! If you want more of Tasty, check out our merch here:
This polymer clay pendant project is part two of the Kelp and Bubbles earring project In this second part we will be using the mod cane we made in part one to create a beautifully eye catching pendant with a hammered wire insert This tutorial includes lots of information on burnishing joining seams and using Ice Resin I love how this pendant came out I hope you enjoy making it If you haven t seen part one of the tutorial yet you can find the link to it in the suggested links below Supplies List and Text Summary Translate into your own language CONNECT WITH ME NEW Join the JessamaTutorials Polymer Clay Community on Facebook Please like share and subscribe for more polymer clay tutorials like this one SUGGESTED LINKS AND TUTORIALS Part One How to make a Mod Cane Mica Shift Technique Jessama Smear Technique More polymer clay project tutorials suppliesSquare Cutters Cracked Earth Silicone Stamp Cracked Lava Silicone Stamp Silver Mica Powder Polishing Papers Deli Paper Buy the Ice Resin Plunger at Linda s Art Spot See you in the next video Sincerely Samantha Burroughs
Try making this sweet and delicious banoffee pie! If you want more of Tasty, check out our merch here:
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夜寝る前の、はなの丁寧なふみふみ。Hana makes a cookie softly before sleeping. Blog: Instagram:
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