How To: Foiling with a Laminator

by Plum_Mashable

How To: Foiling with a Laminator


We all know I spend far too much on planning supplies so when I can I like to try and be a bit more frugal This is a good way to not have to buy a Minc machine which can cost up to 200 and still get good results when it comes to foiling LIVE VIDEO will be on Wednesday 25th October at 8pm AEDST Can t wait to see you there Find me here www facebook com plum_mashablewww instagram com plum_mashableplum mashable01 gmail comVideos Mentioned Products Featured Heidi Swapp Minc Heat Reactive Foil 19 99 Rose Gold Teal Gold Holographic Couture Creations Heat Activated Foil 2 99 Gold Sparkles Silver Matte Holographic Lowell A4 Laminator 19 99 Interested in more videos about Foiling with a laminator Check these out



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