Chocolate Christmas Pudding Cupcakes! | Cupcake Jemma

by CupcakeJemma

Chocolate Christmas Pudding Cupcakes! | Cupcake Jemma


It s time to get in to the Holiday spirit I have got heaps of festive baking ideas coming your way over the next few weeks starting with these Chocolate Christmas Pudding Cupcakes Recipe For the cupcakes 120g buttermilk110ml vegetable oil120ml cold coffee1 large egg140g plain flour185g caster sugar35g cocoa powder1 2 tsp bicarbonate of soda1 4 tsp salt1 rounded tsp ground ginger1 2 tsp nutmeg1 4 tsp ground cloveszest of 1 small orangeFor the Brandy Buttercream 150g soft unsalted butter340g icing sugar sifted3 4 tbsp brandy whiskey other booze OR orange For the decoration Melted dark chocolateMelted white chocolate I put in a little Superwhite powder to make it really pop Little holly leaf and berry decorations I made mine out of sugarpaste SUBSCRIBE FOR WEEKLY VIDS MY INSTAGRAM cupcakejemmaCAKESTAGRAM crumbsanddoiliesVISIT OUR SHOP Crumbs Doilies1 Kingly CourtLondonW1B 5PW



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