Amazing DIY Blush and Rose Gold Resin Tray

by Happily Ever After, Etc.

Amazing DIY Blush and Rose Gold Resin Tray


I m Betsy Home Decor Enthusiast Yorkie Mama Crafter Blogger Picky Eater Chief Mess Maker Antique Hoarder and Graphic Designer You can generally find me working on attacking with a paintbrush the 3 bed 2 bath home we are currently renting Our home might not be perfect but it is ours if you hang out long enough you ll see that what we lack in know how we make up for in passion SUPPLY LIST FOR THIS VIDEO Silicone Tray Mold Copper Rocks mix a few of the white rocks with your copper paint for these For more Resin Home Decor Crafts and Organizing Disclaimer I purchase most of the products in my videos myself but sometimes I am lucky to receive products to try and review products sent by brands I will always give my honest opinion of any product I also share affiliate links from time to time these links give me a commission with no added cost to you Sponsorships affiliate links help me continue to support my family while I work on the blog and videos Thank you for your support



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