Husky Meets Her New Puppy Sister For The First Time!! [Shes So Scared!]

by milperthusky

Husky Meets Her New Puppy Sister For The First Time!! [Shes So Scared!]


Soooo hello everyone I know people are probably wondering why this video has taken so long but please let me explain when we got the puppy she is so scared We did actually bring her back to meet millie the first day we got her but she just screamed scared and defensive so I felt unfair Luckily my father lives on the same street as us so she has been sleeping there for the last couple of days to help build her confidence from being away from her normally family we have spent so much time playing with her building her confidence and if you have seen on our Instagram she is so much happier and confident now Today also we taken her to the vets to have her injections so in 2 weeks she can have her final injections and start going outdoors We do not want to rush anything we want our family to all work and not rush anything Kade and parker are back on Wednesday from one week holiday they are going to be so happy and shocked when they return The video will be so amazing It s worked out well the kids being away so me and my father have had time to ensure millie and Rupert are getting lots of walks and love also making sure the pup gains in confidence and stays healthy Today we brought her round after he vets to meet millie and I was so shocked I actually wanted to cry Instead of screaming in fear her tail was excited and she is gaining in confidence It s working Nothing should be rushed I have to take time I m not rushing this In the next day or two we will have Rupert around her but not until she is a little braver Hope you all understand We will post a vet video soon also we are bathing her tonight so bathe video also coming soon Hope you all smile at this beautiful video of millie being an actual hero She is so gentle and calm and can sense exactly what is happening Hope this makes you all smile Love you all



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