Chocolate Salami with Rainbow Mallows (No-Bake Recipe) | OCHIKERON | Create Eat Happy :)

by ochikeron

Chocolate Salami with Rainbow Mallows (No-Bake Recipe) | OCHIKERON | Create Eat Happy :)


Fun and perfect crunchy fluffy treat Adding cookies biscuits is good Yes you can add any snacks you like Very easy to make I receive comments saying my tempered chocolate does not set up Sometimes regular chocolate bars may not set up when you did not handle it correctly timing and temperature due to the low cacao percentage so it is better to use chocolate for baking because it is easy to handle Chocolate Salami with Rainbow Mallows No Bake Recipe Difficulty Very EasyTime 15 min cooling timeUse 12oz measuring cupIngredients 100g 1 2 cup semi sweet chocolate for baking50ml whipping cream30g 1 4 cup roasted nuts25g 1 2 cup rainbow mallows2 tbsp chocolate chipspowdered sugar confectioner s sugar Directions 1 Chop chocolate then melt it in a double boiler 2 Microwave whipped cream for 20 sec until warm then mix it into the chocolate 3 Add nuts and marshmallows then mix well 4 When the chocolate cools and starts to get thick place it on parchment paper then shape it into a log 5 Chill in the fridge until firm Dust with powdered sugar then slice into pieces レシピ 日本語 Music byYouTube Audio LibraryTiptoe_Out_the_BackFollow me on social media If you have recreated any of my food you can share some pictures ochikeron I am always happy to see them FOLLOW ME HERE My COOKBOOK available on Amazon Kindle NO MORE hard copies those who got one are lucky More Written Recipes are on my BLOG My Recipe Posts in Japanese and of course PLEASE SUBSCRIBE



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