Nourishing Face Mask For Oily & Sensitive Skin | Glamrs Skin Care

by Glamrs

Nourishing Face Mask For Oily & Sensitive Skin | Glamrs Skin Care


We all strive for a glowing soft and nourished skin But maintaining a healthy skin is not a monthly or a weekly task especially for those how have an acne prone oily skin or a sensitive skin We need to constantly give our skin some therapy that will revive replenish and nourish it In this video Rosalyn has whipped up a rosemary nourishing mask for the oily and sensitive skin types that will soothe the skin and keep it soft and smooth The ingredients used to make this mask are 1 cup yogurt 1 tablespoon honey 6 drops of rosemary essential oil 1 teaspoon jojoba oilWe hope you found this video helpful Combine these ingredients and be on your way to beating this condition for good Thanks for watching Until next time stay tuned stay Glamrs Glamrs is the first Indian makeup beauty style fitness and lifestyle video platform for women Tune in daily for the latest and trendy makeup tips healthcare fashion ideas nail art daily life hacks interesting DIY videos and much more Our team of beauty style fitness and health experts brings you the best advice tips tricks and home remedies so you are always in the know through quick videos that you can easily watch on your phone glamrs FaceMaskForOilySkin FaceMaskForSensitiveSkin FaceMasks




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