CHRISTMAS DECOR HAUL! Ikea & HomeSense Finds

by The DIY Mommy

CHRISTMAS DECOR HAUL! Ikea & HomeSense Finds


CHRISTMAS DECOR GIVEAWAY FEATURED IN THIS VIDEO Snail mail me Christina DennisPO Box 2733Stony Plain AB T7Z 1Y2CANADAPLEASE NOTE While I ve made every effort to make sure this video contains accurate information I m not a professional and not responsible for any direct or indirect damages that may occur in connection to the information contained here Please complete the projects featured on my channel at your own risk and consult a professional if you have any questions Be safe have fun DISCLOSURE This video description may contain affiliate links When you purchase an item via these links I receive a small commission at no extra cost to you Song YouTube Library christmashaul ikeahaul homesense



한치 통오징어 튀김 떡볶이! 일명 모닥치기 (fried...

  • by ETTV 이티티비 1276

제주도 동문시장 야시장에 가면 먹을수 있는 한치 떡볶이~ 제주도에선 떡볶이와 튀김을 섞어먹는걸 모닥치기라고 하네요. 원래 한치튀김이랑 떡볶이를 따로 판매하는데, 제가 섞어서 주문했습니다. 한치튀김 6,000원, 떡볶이 3,000원입니...