Churro Bites

by ByronTalbott

Churro Bites


I swear every time I ve had a churro in my life I always thought to myself it would be nice to have a basket of these things that were bite size well HERE WE GO These are unbelievably easy to whip up and you can knock out a GIANT batch of them for a nice after dinner snack for a get together Hope you guys liked the video and let me know what you think about the recipe in the comments below BUSINESS INQUIRY byronlovesfood gmail comMAILING ADDRESS 18653 Ventura Blvd 655 Tarzana CA 91356MOST USED TOOLS Iron Skillet Iron SkilletPepper Grinder Pepper GrinderINGREDIENTS 1 cup all purpose flour1 2 cup water3 tbsp butter 1 egg3 tbsp sugar1 tsp salt1 tbsp vanilla paste1 cup sugar1 tsp ground nutmeg1 tsp ground all spice4 tbsp ground cinnamon



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