clean my BEAUTY ROOM with me! ♻️ organising & decluttering my makeup & junk!

by Shaaanxo

clean my BEAUTY ROOM with me! ♻️ organising & decluttering my makeup & junk!


Today we are doing a declutter organising cleaning my beauty room including my eye and lip pencil collection which is long overdue I hope you enjoy this xo shaaanxo cleanwithme declutter MORE VIDEOS STORAGE These arent the same as mine but similar THIS VIDEO ISNT SPONSORED Some links are affiliate Thanks for the support _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Follow Me BUSINESS ENQUIRIES ONLY business shaaanxo co nzShannon HarrisPO Box 9107Terrace End 4441Palmerston NorthNEW ZEALAND_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Online Shopping MY BRAND HOW I GET USA MAKEUP MAKEUP BEAUTY Outtro Music Craves By My Side



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