[ASMR] 다양한 초콜릿 자르는 소리 : Chocol...
그동안 요청을 많이 해주셔서 처음으로 시도해본 ASMR영상 이에요~^^ ♥더 자세한 레시피와 설명은 밑에 더보기 버튼 눌러 확인 해 주세요♥ ♡For more detailed recipes, please click on the dow...
Coconut oil JPN Ingredients 300g green lentils300g kidney beans2 tbsp cumin seeds3 tbsp coconut oil6 cloves garlic600g onion300g mushroom150g lotus root4 can of coconut milk800ml water 2 tbsp coriander powder2 tbsp turmeric powder2 tbsp salt1 2 tsp cayenne pepperInstructions 1 soak green lentils and kidney beans for 6 hours then cook with pressure cooker for 5 mins 2 lightly toast cumin seeds 3 add coconut oil garlic onion mushroom and lotus root keep cooking until the vegetables are cooked 4 pour coconut milk and water 5 add coriander turmeric salt and cayenne pepper 材料 緑レンズ豆 300g金時豆 300gクミンシード 大さじ2ココナッツオイル 大さじ3にんにく 6つ玉ねぎ 600gきのこ 300gレンコン 150gココナッツミルク 4缶水 800mlコリアンダーパウダー 大さじ2ターメリック 大さじ2塩 大さじ3カイエンペッパー 小さじ1 2 作り方 1 緑レンズ豆と金時豆を6時間浸水してから圧力鍋で5分ほど調理する 2 クミンシードを軽く炒る 3 ココナッツオイル にんにく 玉ねぎ レンコン きのこを加えて火が通るまで炒める 4 ココナッツミルクと水を加える 5 コリアンダー ターメリック 塩 カイエンペッパーを加える I often use iHerb to get organic ingredients Use a code YOY970 to get a discount on your first purchase They ship internationally at low price sometimes even free Equipments etc Camera Sony A7SIILens FE 24 70mm F2 8 GM SEL2470GM Lens Filter Kenko variable NDX 82mmMic RODE Videomic Pro Tripods SLIK carbon 923 pro SLIK carbon 823 pro SLIK mini pro 7Edit Adobe Premiere Pro CC
그동안 요청을 많이 해주셔서 처음으로 시도해본 ASMR영상 이에요~^^ ♥더 자세한 레시피와 설명은 밑에 더보기 버튼 눌러 확인 해 주세요♥ ♡For more detailed recipes, please click on the dow...
딸기를 통으로 넣은 초코 찹쌀떡을 만들었어요~ ♥더 자세한 레시피와 설명은 밑에 더보기 버튼 눌러 확인 해 주세요♥ ♡For more detailed recipes, please click on the down below♡ 딸기를...
本影片與Maybelline合作 ==影片中用到的底妝產品== ♡FIT ME 反孔特霧粉底液 這個真的滿萬無一失的, 適用膚質廣 妝效自然妝感服貼度也很好 ♡FIT ME遮遮稱奇遮瑕膏 ♡FIT ME空氣絲絨蜜粉 這個!!!從去年就被我激推到現在終於台灣也買...
💅↓ネイルダスト集塵機やその他おすすめアイテムはこちら↓💅 Mika's Blog❤️http://nailist.mika-youtube.com/?p=901
天「お、お前なんか全然怖くないぞ…エイッヤッ」 もも「後ろ後ろ、腰がひけてるよー(´ω`)」
In this haircut tutorial I'll show you how to cut short bob haircut with bangs. If you want to know all about how I use the scisso...
Watch More: https://goo.gl/Kep2iS Today we'll learn how to make popular indo Chinese recipe Chili Potato. This recipe is very sim...
Привет! Сегодня делаю что-то необычное, но полезное! Отлично подойдёт в качестве подарка на 8 марта, например!😉 Экокожу покупала з...
Grab your favorite beverage or snack because it's a long one... -------------------------------
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