Мастер-класс. Браслет. Своими ...
Используемые материалы: жемчуг, подвеска с друзой, цепь. пины, замок-тогл, колечки. Вся фурнитура в данном мастер-классе LUX лату...
Hi everybodyIn this video we re going to be doing Ice Queen nails because lord is it cold I m going to start by applying my forms taking the time to size them up to fit the nail I m then going to apply Clear Acrylic on all the nails For the index and ring finger I m going to go a little thicker and apply Natural Beige on the cuticle area and blend it over the free edge For the other nails I m going to do a super thin base coat of Clear I m going to open all my glitters and shapes and start with the pointer finger I m going to pick up a bead of clear and then go into the glitter and apply it to the index nail keeping it quite thin and transparent I m going to do the same on the ring finger and add stars into both the nails For the middle finger I m going to do a full nail of glitter applying one glitter at a time and adding in stars triangles and mylar For the pinky finger I m going to do the same at the middle finger but colour flipped On the thumb I m doing a clear base with natural beige and then apply the blue glitter and some mylar I m then going to file all the nails with my usual routine I ve scratched the underside of the clear nails and I m going to paint Clear As Day Builder Gel on the bottom and press in some wrinkled plastic Pop it in the lamp with the plastic on wipe with Gel Residue Wipe Off Solution and then file down the underside and brush with Top Coat I m going to apply my big stone with Clear Acrylic and then use Acrygel for the rest of the bling I m going to finish with cuticle oil I hope you enjoyed this video don t forget to like and subscribe Love KMXOXO OTHER VIDEOS LIKE THIS ONE OUR MOST POPULAR VIDEOS Products Used in This Video Products Commonly Used Kirsty and all the team at Naio Nails would like to thank you for taking the time to watch our videos we hope you enjoy watching them as much as we enjoy making them If you have a few minutes to spare We would like to ask for your help so that others can enjoy watching our videos too Social Media icequeen icenails acrylicsculpting
Используемые материалы: жемчуг, подвеска с друзой, цепь. пины, замок-тогл, колечки. Вся фурнитура в данном мастер-классе LUX лату...
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