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Hand embroidery beautiful border design Border design tutorialEmbroidery is a special kind of art that comprises of needlework and motifs This art is in built in human and cannot be learnt But if anyone is interested to gain mastery over this art then an eye for creativity mind for imagination and hands for practice are very significant This is a creative and useful guide for hand embroidery for beginners Today hand embroidery is used for various purposes like making clothing accessories household linen towels and so forth This ancient art of threadwork is a way of creating designs and pictures by sewing various strands on a particular piece of fabric Most of the needlework is done on woven fabric so that it becomes easier to make exquisite designs and patterns The most essential embroidery supplies are thread needle and patterns These are the first requirement when you plan to start creating an antique and exquisite embroidered fabric Embroidery threads are categorized into cotton threads and embroidery floss Cotton threads can further be categorized into stranded cotton thread that are composed of six loosely twisted mercerized cotton threads and soft cotton threads that are mainly used for designing tapestry and bold hand embroidery These days many innovative threads like silk threads satin threads and jute threads have also come into existence The next requisite of hand embroidery is needle These needles are available in a wide range of sizes from 0 to 10 These embroidery needles are sharp and of medium length Embroidery patterns are also available in various stores and on various online sources Different fabrics can be adorned with varied creative patterns The ancient patterns include stencils or transfer of patterns or designs onto fabrics The modern days and innovative technology has brought various other ways to create hand embroidery patterns Today there are iron on transfer patterns computer printed patterns stencils or templates and transfers Iron on transfer pattern includes patterns that can be ironed on fabrics Even a tissue paper or transfer pen can be used to transfer a design onto the fabric Creating your embroidery fonts is also a part of the modern embroidery techniques There are many creative ways to write various different alphabets in an array of fonts These fonts are mainly used to highlight special events like weddings birthdays and birth announcements These alphabets are also used for highlighting personalized message The moment you gather all the materials and are aware of the basic techniques you can start revealing and reviving the art of embroidery Follow us
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