【100均材料 つまみ細工】kanzashi flower ...
こんにちは😃 セカンドチャンネルを開設いたしました。
a couple months late for this review but i really do hope at least one of u guys find this video helpful i realise that only the palette and lashes are the only items left on their site so sorry about that guys P R O D U C T S M E N T I O N E D buy the collection here colourpopcosmetics you can use my code 5JUDY to get 5 off not a commission code for first time users only on colourpop com GET 3 CASHBACK FROM COLOURPOP HERE time stamps palette review 1 21palette comparisons 6 03metallic liquid liner review 7 38lux lipstick review dupes 10 10swatches 12 31look one double wing 12 47look two gold glam 17 03look three intro look 21 00 L O O K B Y L O O K LOOK ONE foundation urban decay all nighter 4 0 Urban Decay Cosmetics concealer too faced born this way sculpting almond toofacedcosmetics loose powder rcma beauty no colour powder pressed powder nyx cosmetics stay matte but not flat powder foundation soft beige NYX Professional Makeup bronzer blush highlight physicians formula x weylie butter collection deep bronzer wildflower golden hour Weylie Hoang eyeliner uzu by flowfushi eye opening eyeliner black colourpop metallic liquid liner gold rush lashes petite cosmetics luxe faux mink lashes envy Tina Yong contacts olens spanish gray lip colourpop cosmetics lux lipstick simon says LOOK TWOfoundation urban decay all nighter 4 0 concealer too faced born this way sculpting almond loose powder rcma beauty no colour powder pressed powder nyx cosmetics stay matte but not flat powder foundation soft beige bronzer blush highlight physicians formula x weylie butter collection deep bronzer wildflower golden hour eyeliner colourpop cosmetics bff liquid liner grande ardency inn modster eyeliner coffee lashes house of lashes natalia lite lip colourpop cosmetics lux lipstick simon says LOOK THREEfoundation urban decay all nighter 4 0 concealer too faced born this way sculpting almond loose powder rcma beauty no colour powder pressed powder nyx cosmetics stay matte but not flat powder foundation soft beige bronzer blush highlight physicians formula x weylie butter collection deep bronzer wildflower golden hour eyeliner uzu by flowfushi eye opening eyeliner black colourpop cosmetics creme gel liner dirty talk lashes petite cosmetics luxe faux mink lashes honey lip colourpop cosmetics lux lipstick simon says L E T S C H A T instagram juudy____twitter judyctweets enquires hellojudyc gmail com W H A T S O N M E top hello molly lip simon says lux lipstick by colourpop cosmetics lashes honey by petite cosmetics G R A P H I C S by Joy Lin Arness M Y G E A R camera Canon 750D mic Takstar SGC 598 edited on final cut pro x B A C K G R O U N D M U S I C provided by epidemic sounds spaced ocean jams THANKS FOR WATCHING THIS VIDEO NOT SPONSORED JUDY colourpopme goodasgold solidgold
こんにちは😃 セカンドチャンネルを開設いたしました。
Join us for the making of a beautiful luxury business card featuring three metallic foil colors on a unique black suede paper stoc...
Hey guys, this was video was pre-filmed 3 weeks ago after I returned from NC. Who doesn't love affordable makeup at Sephora, here...
Hey Tinnies! In this episode of Tina Tries It, I tried out sugar waxing for the first time. It was definitely not a success but I ...
前回のクローゼットの「片付け編」に引き続き、今回は「模様替え編」です。 長くなってしまったので、お時間のある時に見て頂けると嬉しいです。
body info: 159cm | 5'3
【ふわふわ体験💭】ファミリーマート カフェラテ
パジャマのご注文はこちらから出来ます♡ ウェブサイトはこちらです↓ https://chiakistyle.official.ec/
5分でできる DIY 出典 : http://bit.ly/2BhbztW
ごきげんようぢ、おはようぢ どうも、こんどうようぢです。
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