かごにないっているモノが気になる豆大福です^^ かごに集まってくるひのきたちがかわいいです♬
Remember to share your blocks with me AmandasMiniQALMEASUREMENT CUTTING INFO Fabric One x2 3¼ squaresFabric Two x2 3¼ squaresFabric Three x1 5½ x 1 rectangle x2 2¾ x 1 rectanglesREMEMBER Trim all x4 HST units to 2¾ FINAL BLOCK SIZE 5 5 squareTOOLS NOTIONS Brother PQ1500SL sewing machine Brother 1 4 sewing foot Gutermann polyester thread OLFA Cutting Mat Fiskars Rotary Blade 28mm thread snips Sew Easy Rulers 6 set square Birch Non Melt Flower Head Quilting PinsThis is Block 5 of 9 in a Quilt Along series that I m featuring here on my YouTube channel and will be made into a Mini Block Sampler Quilt If you have any questions about this block or the series please feel free to send me an email to 3and3quarters gmail comPATTERN SOURCE SERIES INSPIRATION 130 Mini Quilt Blocks by Susan Briscoe SNAIL MAIL Amanda RolfePO Box 1179St Marys NSW 1790AustraliaYou can also find me here EMAIL 3and3quarters gmail comThanks for watching xx
かごにないっているモノが気になる豆大福です^^ かごに集まってくるひのきたちがかわいいです♬
바느질 홈질은 간단하면서 품위가 느껴질 만큼 정성스런 손길이 느껴진다
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11cm×80cm (キルト生地1枚) 11cm×44cm (内生地1枚) 11cm×36cm (内生地1枚)
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