ColourPop OVERLOAD | Best of the Best from ColourPop Winter 2019-2020!

by Makeup.Just.For.Fun

ColourPop OVERLOAD | Best of the Best from ColourPop Winter 2019-2020!


Since the fine folks at ColourPop never seem to sleep and have released SO many NEW products over the past few months I am giving you my top recommendations so hopefully you can decide which new items are right for you I put together 3 sample shopping carts one for the neutral lover one for the color lover and then my own personal faves which is somewhere in between Let us know what your must haves are and thank you so much for watching AHHH YOU CAN FIND NO SHRINKING VIOLET MY COLOURPOP FAVORITES BUNDLE ONLINE NOW WHAT WHO HOW IS THIS REAL Use code MAKEUPJUSTFORFUN to save 15 on my bundle Find the products mentioned onlineproducts marked with are commission linksUse my friend ColourPop Cult s affiliate code BEAUTYCULT to save 10 some exclusions apply Timestamps CP Update first What is ColourPop Overload all about 1 35How does this series work 3 49Neutral Lover s Cart starts at 5 01Color Lover s Cart starts at 9 10Amanda s Cart starts at 13 49Final thoughts 16 11Bloops 18 56What s on my eyes Sydney Grace singles video coming soon What s on my lips What s on my nails _______________________________________________________________More Makeup Just For Fun content on TikTokHang out with me on InstagramSometimes I write thingsSometimes I tweet thingsCome pin all of the things with me_______________________________________________________________Music Intro End CardSaturn SunsetGreenscreens credit Greenscreens by JanTube Editing_______________________________________________________________ This video is NOT sponsored Links in the description box marked with are affiliate links through Reward Style I earn a small commission on sales made via these links however the cost is no different to you if purchase with an affiliate link or not Commission status has NO bearing on how I select and review products and I will never pressure you to purchase via my links



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