Flax Flower with only back sti...
제니스리의프랑스자수:..스탬프 효과가 나는 6월의 아마꽃으로 백스티치만으로 수 놓기, 작은글씨 수 놓기, little letter-stitch, making a tussle, embroidery gift, stamp effect
advertising ot112mane gmail comCrazy Food Processing Skills Mozzarella and Cheese ProcessingCoconut Water Milk OilMoney Processin Pasta Pizza ProcessingiCE CREAM processing Cheese ProcessingCandy Processing Chocolate Processing If you have an issue with me posting this song or picture please contact me through email ot112mane gmail com or the YouTube private messaging system Once I have received your message and determined you are the proper owner of this content I will have it removed
제니스리의프랑스자수:..스탬프 효과가 나는 6월의 아마꽃으로 백스티치만으로 수 놓기, 작은글씨 수 놓기, little letter-stitch, making a tussle, embroidery gift, stamp effect
今日はこの夏におすすめしたいひんやりアイテムと最近使っている 紫外線対策グッズの紹介です!!汗ケアにも使える☺️👌👌
I made a Mid-century modern kind of Red Oak desk for my home office! This is my second-time woodworking project. As you can see, I...
excelから10/20に発売される秋の新作コスメをレビューしました! とろける濃厚リップバーム「グレイズバームリップ」の新色や、新作の生レアマットリップ「リップベルベティスト」はこれからの時期にぴったりのカラーばかり💄✨ ネイルもツヤ感があって秋らしいカラー...
🌿 iherb アイハーブ🌿はこちら ▶︎ http://jp.iherb.com?rcode=QNK077
Carnations may seem difficult to draw but they are actually really simple! Draw along with me as we work through these beautiful f...
▽ 영상 아래 더보기 클릭 ! ('구독'과 '좋아요' 감사합니다 ☺) 안녕하세요 오늘은 조지타운 컵케이크를 준비했어요 유명한 조지타운 컵케이크에서 공개한 레시피인데요 딱 레드벨벳 컵케이크를 맛볼 수 있는 레시피라 너무 만...
姆姆翻肚對空氣抓抓 用各種角度扭來扭去
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