Cream Cheese Banana Cake 奶酪香蕉蛋糕

by Apron

Cream Cheese Banana Cake 奶酪香蕉蛋糕


Cream Cheese Banana Cake奶酪香蕉蛋糕奶油 butter 60g 1 4cup细砂糖 sugar 50g 1 4cup全蛋 egg 1香蕉 banana 2 110g低筋面粉 cake flour 100g 2 3cup苏打粉 baking soda 1 2tsp泡打粉 baking powder 1 2tsp盐 salt 1 4tsp鲜奶油 whipping cream 40g 3Tbsp奶酪 cream cheese 70g 1 2cup糖霜 icing sugar 20g 1 8cup蛋黄 egg yolk 1低筋面粉 cake flour 10g 1Tbspmold 20cm x 6cm x 8cm 长模170c Bake 40 45minutes170度摄氏 烤 40 45分钟请订阅Please subscribe Facebook page YouTube channel ApronYouTube channel Men Kitchen 男人煮艺



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