呼ぶと来るポンちゃんジャンくんに教わったのかな?【Jean ...
ポンちゃんはジャンくんをお手本にして勉強しているようです。 ここにきてだんだん甘えるようになったのも、ジャンくんの姿を見ていてそれに習ったと思います。 ジャンくんは「おいで」と床を叩くと嬉しそうにやってくるのがお得意の芸です。 ポンちゃんもその技を受け継ぎつつ...
We made a cream cheese pudding that almost looks like a plastic food sample with maple syrup just being poured over The pudding itself has maple syrup in it too so it tastes super rich and smooth You will probably find the spoon sticking out unnecessary because it is but try thinking of it as something similar to those paper cake toppers that are also inedible Now you don t mind it do you Recipe for 2 200ml cups of pudding and some extra about 500ml in total First let s make maple syrup cheese pudding 1 Stir 100g cream cheese until smooth Add 110g maple syrup and stir 2 Add 2 beaten eggs and stir more 3 Put 100g milk and 100g cream into a saucepan and heat it up to just below boiling point 4 Mix 6g gelatin with 30g water Microwave at 600w for about 30 seconds to melt the gelatin 5 Add 4 to 3 and stir 6 Add 5 to 2 and stir 7 Filter 6 8 Put the bowl it in ice water and stir until cooled and slightly thick 9 Dip the cups in water then pour the pudding into them 10 Refrigerate until the pudding is set 11 When it is set wrap the cup with a warm cloth to serve the pudding on a plate Put it back in the refrigerator to keep it cool Next let s make the maple syrup on the top 12 Mix 4g gelatin with 20g water Microwave at 600w for about 20 seconds to melt the gelatin 13 Add 12 to 65g maple syrup 14 Put the bowl it in ice water and stir until cooled and slightly thick 15 Take 11 out of the refrigerator Pour 14 over it little by little and gently stick in a spoon To make a little mound of syrup refrigerate the pudding again and add more maple syrup on top later If the maple syrup jelly hardens up put the bowl in a bigger bowl of hot water to loosen it up 16 Done and done Hope you ll enjoy this little prank dessert asmr pudding prank foodsample creamcheese maplesyrup
ポンちゃんはジャンくんをお手本にして勉強しているようです。 ここにきてだんだん甘えるようになったのも、ジャンくんの姿を見ていてそれに習ったと思います。 ジャンくんは「おいで」と床を叩くと嬉しそうにやってくるのがお得意の芸です。 ポンちゃんもその技を受け継ぎつつ...
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介紹Super可口的可樂餅! 外面酥脆,裡面熱呼呼 不只馬鈴薯,還有加入幾種材料 作成口感&風味很豐富! 可樂餅不只當點心, 也可以serve as 豪華&滿足感的料理喔~!(๑˃̵ᴗ˂̵)و MASAのYoutube頻道:🍅http://www.youtub...
Hey, Guys! (WATCH IN HD) I BOUGHTA BUNCHA STUFF ON SEPHORA and I put it on mah face for you guys! I hope you enjoy! Thanks for wat...
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