CROCHET: BEAD STITCH | Bella Coco Crochet

by Bella Coco

CROCHET: BEAD STITCH | Bella Coco Crochet


You can also find the written instructions on my blog crochet crochettutorial easycrochet SHOP YOUR SUPPLIES Some link may be affiliate links which will allow me to make a small commission on any products purchased through my recommendation Please note that this does not influence my opinion or recommendations in any way POPULAR VIDEOS Follow me for Craft and Crochet Follow me for Lifestyle and behind the scenes FAQs How many squares do I need for a baby blanket This can vary it really can be however big or small you like but i generally do 4x4 or 5x5 How many chains shall I do for a single double etc blanket Again this can vary I would suggest that you do your chain and lay it down agains the bed you are wanting it for It should be the same width You should then ad a few more to make it a little wider How much yarn do I need Unfortunately I will be able to answer individuals questions about how much yarn you would used do to multiple factors affecting it Such as your tension the size of hook and the yarn being used What equipment do you use What do you do for a living I am a Full Time content creator for my Blog and YouTube



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