Cucumber kimchi (Oi-sobagi: 오이소박이)

by Maangchi

Cucumber kimchi (Oi-sobagi: 오이소박이)


Cucumber kimchi oi sobagi is made by turning a cucumber into a pocket and stuffing it with vegetables and kimchi paste It s delicious and refreshing and it s a great kimchi to make when cucumbers are in season and you don t feel like waiting for your kimchi to ferment You can eat this right away they re cool spicy and crunchy Cucumber kimchi is a good example of a kimchi that doesn t have to be fermented to be great It s been a very popular recipe on my website ever since I first posted it However my original video used copyright protected music A Message to You Rudy by The Specials and the sound was recently removed by the copyright holder Many people have been asking me to remake the video so with cucumbers in season it s a good time to do it Enjoy the updated video Ingredients 2 pounds kirby cucumbers 9 or 10 cucumbers or 4 4½ inch long small thin cucumbers 2 tablespoons salt1 cup buchu Asian chives chopped into ½ inch pieces4 garlic cloves minced1 medium carrot cut into thin matchsticks about 1 cup 1 cup onion sliced thinly½ cup hot pepper flakes3 tablespoons fish sauce1 tablespoon sugar¼ cup water1 tablespoon sesame seeds



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