Hi guys Today I ll be painting a cup of coffee I just thought that it d be appropriate since I want to also announce my new Ko fi page This is still a tutorial so if you re interested you can follow along to the painting It s super easy and I love the effect of the froth it was so much fun to make For those of you who doesn t know Ko fi it s basically similar to Patreon where people are able to make small tips or donations to creators or artists I ve had some ppl ask me in the past if I have a patreon account and due to certain conditions I didn t feel like it was the right fit so I feel like this is a step forward towards that as you don t have to do this monthly and just tip whenever you feel the urge to This is in no way mandatory and I hope none of you feel pressured to donate if you don t have the means or if you re not willing I just want to let you guys know that it is now an option for those of you who are interested in supporting me further if they like the content that I create and if they see fit So I hope you guys enjoy this video as always and happy painting _ Follow me on skillshare for free 2 months membership Subscribe www youtube com c nianiani Follow me on instagram ig_nianianiTOOLSBrush Holbein black resable size 6 winsor and newton sceptre gold II size 0Paper Canson Montval 200gsm Paint HolbeinMUSIC Dreamland by Aakash GandhiFrom the YouTube Audio Library
이즈는 이상해
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