TOP 5 TUESDAYS - Best Beauty T...
Welcome back to #MISHMAS !! Thanks so much for tuning into today’s video - TOP 5 TUESDAYS - Best Beauty Trends of 2019. Hope you e...
Cup Noodles rice series Mabo Curry Meshi Trendy Mabo tofu is Szechuan style spicy tofu dish The cup rice is mabo style curry rice It s a bit spicy My right hand was tired of turning the spoon It is said that the more you turn the spoon the curry will be yummy japanesestuffchannel cupnoodles curry
Welcome back to #MISHMAS !! Thanks so much for tuning into today’s video - TOP 5 TUESDAYS - Best Beauty Trends of 2019. Hope you e...
Some may say that cuddling your dog will/may cause your dog to gain a lot of anxiety and may bite people. My male dog doesn’t like...
Hey Tinnies! Today I’m showing you how to get the “Foxy Eye Makeup Look” using my best tips and tricks 😊 This look is great for th...
Tomorrow, 5th September sees the first time I'll be presenting. Screen Sensation on Create and Craft US and UK. US: Dish 221, Rok...
Hi new makeup review, how are ya?? Today I'm reviewing the Hershey's chocolate makeup by the Korean beauty brand Etude House. 🍫 Do...
Every morning is an adventure on a goat farm! They do so many funny things during morning chores it is impossible to capture all t...
人類的新年真的是很熱鬧的節日欸 趕快來提筆寫個新春新願望 看我們才華洋溢的揮灑😏😏😏 祝福大家願望都能實現 新年快樂~年年有魚~
阿瑪:「為什麼嚕嚕回來,朕就踩到屎?」 嚕嚕:「狗屎運?喔不,是貓屎運。」
Charlotte Tilbury just released SuperModel Lips!
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