Cute Mini Hedgehog: Beginner Watercolor Tutorial

by Nianiani

Cute Mini Hedgehog: Beginner Watercolor Tutorial


Hi guys Due to popular request I finally decided to create another animal painting tutorial Today I ll be painting mini hedgehogs You guys know that I m not that painting animals is not my go to thing but I hope you guys enjoy this one either way They re quite easy to paint and super cute Hope you guys enjoy painting along to this one Happy painting D I ve set the community contributions on for this video for you guys who are willing to add on subtitles Thank you so much for your constant help and support _ Follow me on skillshare for free 2 months membership Subscribe www youtube com c nianiani Follow me on instagram ig_nianianiTOOLS Brush Reeves size 14Paint Holbein DS WN White gouache Paper Canson Montval 200gsmMUSIC Peacefully by E s Jammy Jams from YouTube Audio Library




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