CUTE Spring Honey Bee Nails 2018! | Bumblebee 3d Drip Nail Art Design

by Robin Moses Nail Art

CUTE Spring Honey Bee Nails 2018! | Bumblebee 3d Drip Nail Art Design


Join my Instagram for updates and ideas every day with new uploaded videos and remember older designs you forget about Up for Monday 3d Honey drips dripping down off of a french manicure and sprinkled with bumblebees You can do this with gel or polish technique in video and create this wonderful spring honey bee design for 2018 that is so cute and fun I do detailed videos that say a lot but teach so much and will make you faster more confident your nails will last and have peace of mind knowing your clients will be happen I have seen many designs online that are gorgeous but I know they simply cannot last They are for a night out not for long term designs from a shop If you are having problems and your clients arent growing this is why so please spread the word I count on your guys and you MUST watch and learn through technique description I do this for free for YOUR success we need to fill our shops with good techs I need you to get these to those who need to learn most because its through YOU that i find new artists who want to learn Artists who could help you some day You never know when you will need time off and you want to have great and friendly nail artists around you to take over so you can get the time off you deserve This takes collaboration trust and friendship Our industry does not promote this and I paid huge prices and could only take off 5 days to have my daughter Clients are hard to keep and my teaching is from the heart and helps with your success long term NO one can take these skills and wisdom from you once you work to achieve them and its through practice and patience Dont believe the hype of videos that arent in depth or are promoting products more than they are teaching It cant get you to the top of your game I hope you have a wonderful day spring is coming and I feel awesome so get your paintbrushes ready Love Robin Moses Nail Art Wizard Ph D Hail to the N A W p s Please keep our community friendly and full of joy by always sharing who inspires you Here is how TAG ME Inspiredbyrobinmoses everywhere you show your copy of my designs




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