DECEMBER 2018 Plan With Me // Bullet Journal Monthly Setup

by Journal Away

DECEMBER 2018 Plan With Me // Bullet Journal Monthly Setup


Here s my December 2018 bullet journal Plan With Me video This is the LAST monthly plan with me in 2018 I CAN T BELIEVE IT D My first video was in July and I m so grateful for all of you who have joined my bujo journey after that I was going back and forward with my December theme because I wanted something Christmasy and winter like without bright red and too obvious Christmas decorations So I ended up with this greyish blue theme which is probably not the most uplifting but I really like the mood and vibe of the colours together I feel like December will be one busy month again also I have SO many videos coming up on my channel compared to my normal schedule so I m truly so busy this month But I m so looking forward to the new year and new bullet journal Anyway thank you guys SO much for watching I hope you ll enjoy my December 2018 bullet journal setup and of course I have to apologize about my English mistakes as always D I was driving myself crazy while editing the voiceover and literally wanted to record it 100 times because I hate how my English sounds HAVE YOU SEEN MY OTHER MONTHLY PLAN WITH ME S THE TOOLS I USED Zig Clean Color Pen No 092 Blue Grey My Amazon links are affiliate links which means I earn a small comission if you shop through my links I m so grateful if you decided to do so since it helps me to continue doing these videos OTHER STUFF Nails OPI Lost On LombardSong Song Ikson Windy Vlog No Copyright Music Music promoted by Vlog No Copyright Music MY OTHER SOCIAL MEDIA Website Blog Comiiiing Instagram journal away Facebook journalaway Pinterest journalaway Amino Anna Journal Away Hello everybody My name is Anna and I m a young woman from Finland with wild dreams I started bullet journaling in March 2018 and I m completely in love If you share the same hobby grab your journal sit back and Journal Away with me planwithme bulletjournal JournalAway



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